
Once I meet with the client and the determine the scope of the project and the client’s vision, the next steps are space planning and fabric selection. Why start with selecting fabrics? In my world, fabric is endless and exciting. In my experience, while space planning leads to furniture selection, fabric drives the project. The client has an emotional reaction to the color, pattern, texture and use of fabric that leads to wonderful outcomes. The project becomes exciting and has a personality.
Fabric houses today are not just producing the prints or chenilles. Please look at the photograph and notice the fabric that is used on the pillows on the sofa. It is a silk print that is also embroidered giving it a third dimension. The flowers and leaves that are printed have no dimension, however the embroidery brings a tactile sense of dimension. This fabric from the French house of Nobilis translates the popular floral motif into a fabric that would be a compliment as drapery or pillows in the space. Silk can be used on upholstery, but embroidery is not advised, as it will easily snag with use.

Fabrics I work with are rated for abrasion, meaning that they are put through testing and that information is noted, as well as fiber content and any pattern repeats. In today’s fabrics, most fabrics have a number of fibers in them. Some, like linen, cotton and wool are for texture, some, like polyester are for stability. A new man-made fiber making a splash is Viscose. In small amounts it gives a lovely luster that imitates silk. It is durable, however, any percentage over 40% creates a problem. It is destroyed by water.

One, in my opinion, should be avoided at all costs. That fiber is Olefin. It is a petroleum-based fiber and it’s claim to fame is that it adds loft to the finished product. It is used extensively in carpeting. It is also found in a number of fabrics. It wears well, but, unfortunately, in a very short time it will compact and matte creating a very unattractive carpet, sofa or chair. Before purchasing, please read the fiber content label if you plan on long use.